Today was bombtastic. Although it started off a little rocky, it was shortly turned into one of the best days I have had in a while. Lindsey and I decided we needed a little retail therapy and had some "design frustrations" with my room, so we had an interior design day. It was great. We re-did my room and got some cute things for it (I will post pictures when its totally done.) Then I went out to lunch with some friends from home :] It was SO great to see them. Then Linds and I went to IKEA!! ahhh greatest place on the planet! And when we were leaving, there was a HUGE storm brewing. We both love rain so it was really exciting and we tried to get some pictures buuuuttt it didnt quite work...

Isn't the storm looking beautiful? Its pretty dang windy outside right now..the tree outside Ryan's house totally fell over...not so fun. Speaking of Ryan, that little brat is in California right now without me :[ Be sure to give him a swift kick in the tush for me if ya see him...even though you don't know what he looks like haha!
ANYWAYS so after IKEA Linds took me to WENDYS because I have never been and they are like EVERYWHERE up here. So we went and let me tell you, BEST baked potato ever...mmm! Then I get a text from one of my BESTEST guy friends back home, Dylan, and he suprised me and came to Provo for the weekend!!!!!! He is out here buying clothes for his mission (he reports November 18th to the Provo Utah mission yay) and he took me out tonight! We went to this big dance party called EDP it was in a parking lot outside a yogurt place in Provo, SUPER fun!

And now I just got home, I'm eating apples and peanut butter (YUM) and then off to bed! night everyone!!